Sue Lahna
Founder, Editor, and Formatter

Sue founded Quick Fox Editors to meet the needs of those that were desperately underserved: the LGBTQ and neurodiverse writing communities. Skilled and schooled in all aspects of the editing process (including both Chicago and AP style), Sue is able to take on projects for every stage of editing, and any genre (no book too dark, no scene too spicy.) There are few calls more important to our founder than showing the ropes to new voices in publishing – first time writers are their specialty (though Sue is no stranger to picking up projects mid-series either.) They have nine years experience as an editor, working with publishing houses, NYT bestselling authors, and companies of all sizes. Armed with a B.A. in English and a long history of employment throughout the publishing landscape, Sue is here to make your next book your best book. They are a proud member of the EFA.

Current Availability: Sue is currently taking on new clients. Their 2024 availability begins in April.

Sue resides in a historic home in Massachusetts. An advocate for all things chronic illness, Sue lives with chronic migraines and ADHD. A proud member of the LGBTQIA community, Sue is on the ace spectrum and nonbinary; their pronouns are they/them.

Alexis Arendt
Co-founder, Editor

Alexis has more than 15 years of experience as an editor, and is passionate about the world of independent publishing. She has a B.A. in English from St. Bonaventure University and is the  former editor of the independently published Sword literary magazine and the peer-reviewed academic journal Cithara. Her favorite genres are Paranormal Romance, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Mystery, Non-Fiction, and Children’s and Middle-Grade Fiction. She is a member of both the EFA and the Linguistic Society of America.

Current Availability: Alexis will not be available for new clients until March 11th 2024.

Alexis currently lives in Virginia with her family. She is diagnosed with ADHD and PTSD, and is a strong proponent for the accurate portrayal of mental health subjects. Her hobbies include knitting, watching Doctor Who and English football, drinking tea, and trying to stay sane.

Katrina Botero
Content writer, Editor-in-training

The newest addition to the Quick Fox team, Katrina works to keep our website up to date with fantastic content that informs and instructs – from the latest in publishing news to writing how-tos. Kat is also in training to join the ranks of our editing team in the near future. With a B.A. in Technical Communication from the University of Central Florida, Kat has a keen eye for all things grammar and punctuation. Kat currently resides in St. Pete, Florida.

Current Availability: Kat is not taking on clients at this time.